Author Topic: New plugin: identity_from_directory (maintain identities with LDAP / AD)  (Read 566 times)

Offline andreashaerter

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Hi, we just released a new Roundcube plugin to automatically populate and maintain user identities on each login[/b], based on corresponding LDAP or Active Directory user data.

I hope this is also useful for somebody else, we use it for our email stack to get rid of Exchange, so no one-man-show and there will be proper maintenance in the future.

This hopefully provides all an admin needs, including fallback values for missing fields etc..

Small example: A user with the following Active Directory data

and a signature template set to

Code: (php) [Select]
$config['identity_from_directory_signature_template_html'] = '
    Kind regards<br />
    <strong>%name_html%</strong><br />
    mailto: <a href="mailto:%email_html%">%email_html%</a><br />
    phone: <a href="tel:%phone_url%">%phone_html%</a><br />
    fax: <a href="tel:%fax_url%">%fax_html%</a><br />
    web: <a href="%website_html%">%website_html%</a>

would result in the following Roundcube identities after the user login: