Miscellaneous > Roundcube Discussion

Can't change view


I don't know if this goes here or not. I tried it somewhere else and got a message that I wasn't allowed.

My email is set up through my web host and I've never done installations.

Today I opened my email and it was an all new interface. I like most of the changes I see, but when I click the gear, I can't find anything that will get rid of the third pane that shows the full email. I used to be able to do that. I absolutely hate that pane. If I want to read an email, I'll click on it. The size isn't even significantly adjustable. All I want is my list of folders on the left and the list of the folder's emails on the right (in a wider pane). I'm finding it very difficult to read the list all squished into the middle of my screen.

Does this adjustment exist? Do I need to contact the web host to change it?


I absolutely agree with this comment.
I also only use this as webmail which I visit to check for any emails that have been lost as spam to the junk folder. 
The previous version allowed me to see at a glance the status of the folders (if there was anything unread in Junk) as well as see the list of emails in my inbox; the presented page was all useful information.
Now, more information that I want is crammed into the narrow left pane while most of the page is completely wasted and I then have to go searching for the folders.

A very good example of change for the sake of change rather than actually as an improvement? 

Other skins are available https://packagist.org/?type=roundcube-skin. Support for the Classic and Larry skins is now deprecated but the skins are still available. stretchedelastic extended the Elastic skin and adds support for list and desktop layouts.

I wish!

As I only use Roundcube through control panel of my provider, there are no such options available...

Thanks anyway.


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