Miscellaneous > Roundcube Discussion

550 #5.1.0 Address rejected [WEBMAIL]


Hello, I recently set up my webmail addresses (e.g. admin@example.com) using Roundcube and everything was seamless.

1. I can send messages from the addresses
2. I can receive messages from Wordpress (i.e notifications of password changes etc)
3. HOWEVER, when I try sending emails to the address via Gmail and Yahoo accounts, they all fail saying "address not found" - Gmail in particular gives me the error code is the subject line of this post

Anyone with an idea how to fix this? I am really frustrated and my reseller isn't doing much to help. Any help with be highly appreciated.

Thanks All

You most likely have some DNS or something else on the mail server side setup incorrectly. Try testing using https://www.mail-tester.com/ and it should tell you what is wrong.


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