Author Topic: Is it possible to run Roundcube 1.5.6 in a RHEL 9 environment without any proble  (Read 272 times)

Offline scimgro

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TLDR: Is it possible to run Roundcube 1.5.6 in a RHEL 9 environment without any problems?

Hello everyone,

we are currently using Roundcube version 1.5.4 in a RHEL 8 environment with PHP version "7.4.33".

Specifically, this is PHP "7.4.33-1.module+el8.8.0+17865+ef7eddfa".

The exact RHEL release is "Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.8 (Ootpa)".

We want to update to Roundcube 1.5.6 LTS at most for the time being, because we do not know whether we will be missing essential functionality if we update to Roundcube "1.6.6".

Now the question: If we first update Roundcube to version 1.5.6, is it then possible to update the operating system from RHEL 8 to RHEL 9 without any problems?

I mean, does the PHP version that comes with RHEL 9 by default harmonize with Roundcube 1.5.6 LTS?

As far as I know, RHEL 9 offers PHP version 8.0.

Has anyone had any experience with such a constellation?

If the PHP version is problematic under RHEL 9, should we install a more suitable PHP version then?

Or is it better to bite the bullet and upgrade to Roundcube 1.6.6 instead?

Answers would make me very happy

Offline SKaero

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Roundcube 1.5.x support PHP 8 so if RHEL 9 is using PHP 8 you should be OK.

Offline scimgro

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OK, that is good news. Excellent.

Are there differences in support between PHP 8.0, PHP 8.1 and PHP 8.2?

Is it irrelevant which version of PHP 8 we use and does Roundcube 1.5.x work equally well with all versions of PHP 8? Or should we take the precaution of sticking with the oldest, still secure version of PHP 8, in this case PHP 8.0.x (at least as long as RHEL 9 offers a secure 8.0.x)?

Offline SKaero

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PHP 8.1 isn't supported unless you move to Roundcube 1.6.x but Roundcube 1.6.x also supports PHP 8.2 and PHP 8.3.

Offline scimgro

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OK. Then we have maximum clarity.

When we upgrade to RHEL 9, then we will stay on PHP 8.0.x and no higher.

Thank you very much.