Roundcube Community Forum


Skip Webmail Home after logging in

Started by jroseborough, September 20, 2024, 04:52:00 PM

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Afternoon all!  I am hoping somebody else has had this problem and is able to point me in the right direction.  I work for a small local ISP providing various related services.  We host a number of domains - webhosting/email.  We have just 1 server.  Whenever a user logs into Webmail it will take them to "Webmail Home" even if the checkbox for "Open my inbox when I log in" has been checked.  I have tried several browsers under Win10 and on an Android phone.  If we uncheck and check the box it makes no difference.
For reference we are running CentOS v7.9.2009 STANDARD cPanel Version 110.0.40.  We are unable to upgrade software and the boss is considering migrating to a newer build.



The screen that you're referring to is not part of Roundcube it's part of cPanel. I would suggest reaching out to cPanel support to see if they have any suggestions on why that maybe happening.