Author Topic: Adressbookbased Filter  (Read 2365 times)

Offline florianemrich

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Adressbookbased Filter
« on: August 06, 2008, 10:57:53 AM »
I already wrote about my problem in this thread, but now i think i now how to my problem in theory :)

Problem: When I want to read a mail, the content should only been shown up, if the sender of the mail is listed in my adressbook. Otherwise there should be shown a message like "Unknown sender. You have to add the sender to your adressbook if you want to read this mail."

Solution: I guess i have to edit the of /program/steps/mail. I think a if-querry like "if sender is in adressbook, then show content, else show warning message" should fix my problem. But i dont have any idea, where and how to add this code. So if anyone has an idea how to perform the edit, i would be very  very happy :)