Author Topic: Sporadic Issues  (Read 3062 times)

Offline exoder27

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Sporadic Issues
« on: August 22, 2008, 02:12:57 PM »
We've just switched over to Roundcube from squirrelmail, and overall we really like it, although I'm having a couple weird sporadic issues, that I'm wondering if anyone else has encountered.

Every once in a while I get duplicate messages that appear in my inbox.  When this happens, a couple weird behaviors follow:

- I'll open the top message of the two duplicates, and I can interact with it fine, including deleting it.  When I delete it, the duplicate message remains, but when I try to load it, I receive an error saying "unable to load from server."

- Same thing, only instead of the error, it will just timeout, or sometimes, the top message will actually open as a reply, even though I did not click the reply button.

- When using the arrow buttons to scroll through emails, it will skip the duplicate email(s), and if I try to scroll back down, it will not allow me to drop in my scrolling below those duplicate messages.

It seems like it might be having some sort of issue with my IMAP client, or even server.  Has anyone else run into this odd behavior?  Thanks!