Author Topic: afaik 502 Proxy Error, and SQL Errors in log  (Read 2927 times)

Offline TheBoff

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afaik 502 Proxy Error, and SQL Errors in log
« on: May 27, 2009, 04:40:22 PM »
Hello, All.

I have set up roundcube webmail as a client, as I feel it is the best free webmail package around. However, now when he tries to access his mail *some of the time* he gets a "502 Proxy Error" message - I have tried it too, and get the same result.

The content of the page is this:

Proxy Error

The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
The proxy server could not handle the request GET /mail/.

Reason: Error reading from remote server

(mail is just the subdomain).

Whenever he acceses his inbox, whether or not we get the 502, these SQL errors appear

[27-May-2009 15:33:38 -0500] DB Error: MDB2 Error: unknown error Query: _doQuery: [Error message: Could not execute statement] [Last executed query: EXECUTE mdb2_statement_pgsql_7677b0ddcc143c81bf925180ae0d45ec3560e4c27 ('3', 'INBOX.msg', '147', '148', '', 'REMOVED FOR PRIVACY REASONS', 'REMOVED FOR PRIVACY REASONS', '', 78635, 'O:14:"iilBasicHeader":31:{s:2:"id";s:3:"147";s:3:"uid";s:3:"148";s:7:"subject";s:0:"";s:4:"from";s:44:""REMOVED FOR PRIVACY REASONS";s:2:"to";s:24:"";s:2:"cc";N;s:7:"replyto";N;s:11:"in_reply_to";N;s:4 in /home/lbgmachinery/webapps/webmail/program/include/rcube_mdb2.php on line 540 (GET /mail/)

I have obviously added the REMOVED FOR PRIVACY REASONS myself!

Regards, Colin