Roundcube Community Forum


protocols for webmail

Started by bare, March 19, 2009, 11:59:09 AM

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I am developing a webmail for a research project.
I am however confused about the protocols that i have to use.
If anyone has helpful information that i can use to do this job, i will gladly appreciate it.

Julius Caesar

To access a mailbox you can use to different protocols:

POP3 and IMAP.

If you don't retrieve the email and store it in a database, the only usable protocol is IMAP. With this protocol, the mail stays in the mailbox.

Please use a search engine or a good book for more information about these protocols.
Julius Caesar

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Thank you, what about sending mails to webmail server.


There is no "webmail" server.

To send mails you need a SMTP service (SMTP Protocol).
To access a mailbox you need a POP3 or an IMAP service (POP3/IMAP Protocol).

A Webmailer is just a web-based interface accessible by HTTP(s) Protocol to communicate with SMTP/POP3/IMAP services.
MyRoundcube Project (commercial)


How does the webmailer client communicate with the smtp/imap/pop3 services.
Does it embed the smtp/pop3/imap commands in an html file and send it as http to a web browser

Julius Caesar

Quote from: bare;17906How does the webmailer client communicate with the smtp/imap/pop3 services.
Does it embed the smtp/pop3/imap commands in an html file and send it as http to a web browser

Normally using functions from a additional (server side) language like php, jsp, asp or aspx.

Try this for more information.
Julius Caesar

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I think it's enough now. No offense, but this forum is no tutorial for web programming.
MyRoundcube Project (commercial)


Another question,
I captured the trace for for yahoo and gmail and all the email packets were sent using SSL and TLS. can i develop these webmail application without SSL and TLS features. I am developing this application on a bare machine(i.e no OS required to run the application) and i do not have TLS yet.


Quote from: rosali;17905There is no "webmail" server.

To send mails you need a SMTP service (SMTP Protocol).
To access a mailbox you need a POP3 or an IMAP service (POP3/IMAP Protocol).

A Webmailer is just a web-based interface accessible by HTTP(s) Protocol to communicate with SMTP/POP3/IMAP services.

I'm very interested! I would love to find out more inforamtion related to this topic. Thanks in advance.
me too, I need more detailed info

Julius Caesar

Quote from: christina2009;20474I'm very interested! I would love to find out more inforamtion related to this topic. Thanks in advance.
me too, I need more detailed info

Check out the RFC's:

RFC 2821 (rfc2821) - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
RFC 1939 (rfc1939) - Post Office Protocol - Version 3
RFC 2818 (rfc2818) - HTTP Over TLS
Julius Caesar

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