Roundcube Community Forum


Wish list

Started by proxy318, July 03, 2006, 06:53:01 PM

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A few things that would be nice additions to RoundCube:

A button to empty the trash (intead of having to select every mail in the box and then delete them)

A way to show all messages in a folder (kind of like how squirrelmail works - it shows you 30 or so by default, but you can click a link to show everything)

A way to import email address (I guess this is in the works?)

Also, there seems to be a minor issue parsing links (in 0.1 beta 1) - the registration confirmation email from this forum was not parsed properly - the link contained semicolons (;) and RoundCube stopped parsing at this point, so I had to copy and paste the link to activate my forum account. Not a big deal, but it really should be able to identify the entire link.


This need to go it to the Requests topic!


Quote from: proxy318 A button to empty the trash (intead of having to select every mail in the box and then delete them)
This is already there at the bottom of the folder list.
Venond; using roundcube since June 2006


Quote from: SKaero This need to go it to the Requests topic!
Topic Moved.


Quote from: SKaero This need to go it to the Requests topic!

My bad. Sorry!

Quote from: xoqez
Quote from: proxy318 A button to empty the trash (intead of having to select every mail in the box and then delete them)
This is already there at the bottom of the folder list.

Not in 0.1 beta there isn't, unless it's turned off by default...


 In regards to "A way to import email address (I guess this is in the works?)" you can probably do this in the database directly if you want to upload addresses before there is this support. I do not think your users could do this but you could

This is a good idea
Venond; using roundcube since June 2006