Author Topic: Password Plugin Translations  (Read 7992 times)

Offline neonknight

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Password Plugin Translations
« on: January 21, 2010, 05:31:41 AM »
Dear devs

The translation of the password plugin is incomplete. This is my supplement to the German (de_*) files.
$messages['passwordshort'] = 'Das Passwort muss mindestens $length Zeichen lang sein.';
$messages['passwordweak'] = 'Das neue Passwort muss mindestens eine Ziffer und ein Satzzeichen enthalten.';

And a proposal to complete the French (fr_FR) translation, maybe a native speaker wants to correct this:
$messages['passwordshort'] = 'Le mot de passe doit être au moins $length charactères.';
$messages['passwordweak'] = 'Le nouveau mot de passe doit contenir au moins une chiffre et un signe de ponctuation.';