Author Topic: Solution to a messed up contacts Table. + insert of contacts to the database.  (Read 2317 times)

Offline Predatorftp

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It's been a week since i started working on RC and i can say it's a gr8 software.

The only thing missing is a method to import Address books, that's why i started messing with my PHPadmin in the MySQL data base.

I added a field called "Secondery Email" after "email" field in the "contacts" table.
after doing this stupidity I can't create new contacts - I get this error message: "the requested contact was not found".

I have installed in the past "Global address book" so when choosing Global in the list on the left and pressing create new contact - It works (i guess it's on a different database or table).

so my question is - how do i reset the table contacts to it's defaults ?
and how do i add fields if i want to have more than just 1 email address for a contact or maybe even add a phone filed ?

the other question is - I gave up on fining a plug in that will import CSV or Gmail\outlook address books. Vcard is the most stupid idea i have ever heard of.  hoe can I import manually using the PHP admin on the "Contacts" table using a CSV file of my contact ??

Help would be much appreciated.

For future help to other novice like me, this is how i solved the problem:
In the folder SQL you have a file called "mysqlinitial" edit that files and copy the part that creates the contacts table. now go to myphp and delete (drop) the contacts table. then paste the initialization step of contacts table (copied from the mysqlinitial file) in the SQL tab and press GO. the table will be recreated. Voila. CAUTION THIS STEP WILL ERASE YOUR ADDRESS BOOK DATA.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2010, 07:39:29 AM by Predatorftp »