Author Topic: How to force a new login when...  (Read 2776 times)

Offline nwrcube

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How to force a new login when...
« on: April 06, 2010, 03:25:03 PM »
RoundCube version trunk-r3271

I have implemented an autologin which is integrated into my web app and appears to work fine with one exception.  If I'm logged into my application with user A then refresh by browser and then login as user B I send the query string of index.php&_task=login?_action=login to RoundCube to login with the new user B, but the login never occurs.  User A is still logged into RoundCube.

The RoundCube session never triggers the hooks 'startup' or 'athenticate'.  I believe it is because the session for user A is still being remembered as a result RoundCube ignores the new login request.

Everything works fine if I manually logout of RoundCube first, but that is not an option.  I have tried forcing a logout and then a login whenever I pass a task=logon and action=login and a user session is still active, but when I do that the hooks 'startup' or 'athenticate' are not called

So, essentially what I need RoundCube to do is reauthenticate or restart if a user is currently logged in if I pass task=logon and action=login.

Any ideas on how to accomplish in one call to RoundCube?
