Author Topic: Many different problems  (Read 4714 times)

Offline 4h34d

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Many different problems
« on: October 05, 2006, 06:39:48 PM »
I've installed roundcube yesterday and got a few problems (:-[)

Problem #1: when I was trying to access the directory it gave me a "500 INTERNAL SERVER ERRROR". I've checked the .htaccess file of the roundcube folder and the lines that were giving this problem are:
Code: [Select]
php_flag display_errors Off
php_flag log_errors On
php_value error_log logs/errors
php_value upload_max_filesize 2M
I removed them and the script seems to be working. However, would this mean that my server doesn't provide me the essentials to make this script function normally?

Problem #2: when I go in the "Personal settings" and save the preferences it logs me out (always). Then, when I enter my username & password it won't let me in. The error given is "Your session is invalid or expired". I know that the script does access my database (mySQL) cause there is data in the tables, so I don't believe this could be due to the database. It looks that it's related to the sessions. Anyone knows what the causes could be?

Problem #3: everything works great for receiving e-mails. However, I'm totally unable to send e-mails through my smtp server. After about a minute, it just logs me out (timeout maybe). I've tried it with SSL also without luck. I've been changing the settings so many times without any luck. Anyone knows what the causes could be?

