Author Topic: Attachment - PHP Warning: move_uploaded_file(): SAFE MODE Restriction in effect  (Read 6099 times)

Offline juliens

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first congratulations for the nice development you've done with roundcube.

I'm experiencing the issue explained in topic
Safe mode has been enabled by my hosting company and I can't change this option.

When I try to attach a file to a mail, it fails.
Moreover, I can't even purge the tmp directory via my ftp client.
I must start my host rights restore procedure to be able to delete the tmp file via ftp.

Here are the errors in logs

Attempt by setting the full path to the tmp directory in config file :
[26-Oct-2006 13:11:54] PHP Warning: move_uploaded_file(): SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 8430 is not allowed to access /opt3/local/apache/htdocs/sites/g/ owned by uid 2420 in /home/local/apache/htdocs/sites/g/ on line 42

Attempt with relative path in config file :
[26-Oct-2006 13:16:02] PHP Warning: move_uploaded_file(): SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 8430 is not allowed to access temp/1831194213454098ec7a9ec/rcmAttmnt7AbBM0 owned by uid 2420 in /home/local/apache/htdocs/sites/g/ on line 42

Chmod 777 or 755 or 7777 didn't solve anything.

Any help appreciated

Offline juliens

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Found the solution on trac =>

Issue resolved

Sorry for not checking on trac first ;)