Miscellaneous > Roundcube Discussion

search dont work

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It´s work!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you very much.

I changed the file steps/mail/search.inc as below

$imap_charset = RCMAIL_CHARSET;


$imap_charset = "US-ASCII";

the only problem is I can not find words marked.


apple (in english) = OK
maçã is apples (in portuguese) = Dont work :-(

I also have problems with the search function. There are phrases in emails that I need to find, for example: The sentence "hệ thống CRM" is already exist however when I search, I don't see that email listed and it says "search returned no matches". I'm guessing it could be related to the US-ASCII and UTF-8 issue. Does anyone have a way to solve this problem?
I used roundcubemail-1.6.6
Many thanks!!

1. Email already exist

2. Search function not working

Searches are performed by your IMAP server. From the Roundcube side the most you can do is enable imap_debug to log the communication between Roundcube and your IMAP server and see if that gives you any more clues.


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