Author Topic: Debian apache2-mpm-worker, suhosin, and roundcube  (Read 4324 times)

Offline Oxenfrogga

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Debian apache2-mpm-worker, suhosin, and roundcube
« on: January 22, 2011, 05:46:26 PM »
Good evening folks,

I'm running a small apache2 server with low mem with Debian Lenny. Due to the low mem I recently switched from the prefork version over to worker (apache2-mpm-worker). Connected to this, I may not run the libapache2-mod-php5 module, but for php5 instead apply a solution via one process (cgi).

So far, so good, but roundcube is not running any more, due to the well known "suhosin.session.encrypt on" issue. The ".htaccess" trick is not working because of the different php5 setup. I don't want to turn off encryption for the whole system because there are other php applications with database access running, too. So, changing the global php.ini is not an option. Additionally, I want to keep access via https. This way pointed out here
New RoundCube 0.3 & suhosin.session.encrypt off [Archive] - HowtoForge Forums | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
is no option for me because it includes the installation of suPHP which breaks other applications.

Has anyone got these problems and can point me to a solution?


Offline Oxenfrogga

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Debian apache2-mpm-worker, suhosin, and roundcube
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2011, 11:37:55 AM »
Hm, anyone got a new idea? I'd appreciate it very much!