Author Topic: r385 sending fails to external mail host ( line 334)  (Read 4951 times)

Offline edoceo

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r385 sending fails to external mail host ( line 334)
« on: November 28, 2006, 11:42:27 AM »
Sending fails in r385 with external SMTP host, error is:

SMTP Error: SMTP error: Authentication failure: Invalid response code received from server
in /opt/edoceo/../program/steps/mail/ on line 334

But this error is generated because this query: (rcmail_get_identity() in line 50)

SELECT *, email AS mailto FROM identities WHERE identity_id='' AND  user_id='1' AND  del<>1

is querying by identity_id but the paramter to rcmail_get_identity() is the sender email address from the Sender field on the compose form not identity_id in the database. So I changed identity_id to email but it didn't help. Anyone else seeing this? I cannot send messages.