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General Discussion / SSL not working with alternate...
Last post by oculos - July 14, 2024, 06:37:08 AM

I have configured multi-domain so that I have an alternative configuration for another host. It is basically the same host, but with a cname. Like this:

main host:
alternate host:

on my I have

$config['imap_host'] = 'ssl://';
Somehow it is not working. It is timing out. When using a mail client, it works pretty well, but Roundcube seems to be struggling with the fact that is on the Subject Alternative Name of the certificate, and not the common name.

Is there a workaround for this? This is not so important as it is the same host as, so I can just point to that one.
Release Discussion / Re: ERROR: relation "system" ...
Last post by JohnDoh - July 13, 2024, 10:47:31 AM
You system table is missing the entry for `roundcube-version` this is a core part of the system and identifies the version of the database schema. I guess your options are to manually check your database schema to make sure its up to date and then fix the `roundcube-version` entry so you don't have the same problem next time or backup the contents of your tables, use the initial file to recreate the database and then import you data.
General Discussion / Export all contacts
Last post by HLRUFF - July 13, 2024, 09:46:49 AM
I'm trying to export my contacts but it will only export one at a time. I've tried the "Export All" option, and tried selecting several contacts and using both "Export All" and "Export Selected". It will only export one contact. Any ideas?
Release Discussion / Re: ERROR: relation "system" ...
Last post by roughnecks - July 13, 2024, 04:16:26 AM
Should I try running this?

`INSERT INTO "system" (name, value) VALUES ('roundcube-version', '2022100100');`

Here's a couple screenshots of DBeaver:

I'm also reading this in postgres.initial.sql

-- Table "system"
-- Name: system; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

Owner in my db is the same "roundcube" user. Not sure if it means anything.

$ psql roundcube roundcube
Password for user roundcube:
psql (15.7 (Debian 15.7-0+deb12u1))
Type "help" for help.

roundcube=> select * from system;
           name            |   value
 calendar-database-version | 2021102600
(1 row)

roundcube=> \dt
                  List of relations
  Schema   |         Name         | Type  |   Owner
 roundcube | attachments          | table | roundcube
 roundcube | cache                | table | roundcube
 roundcube | cache_index          | table | roundcube
 roundcube | cache_messages       | table | roundcube
 roundcube | cache_shared         | table | roundcube
 roundcube | cache_thread         | table | roundcube
 roundcube | calendars            | table | roundcube
 roundcube | carddav_accounts     | table | roundcube
 roundcube | carddav_addressbooks | table | roundcube
 roundcube | carddav_contacts     | table | roundcube
 roundcube | carddav_group_user   | table | roundcube
 roundcube | carddav_groups       | table | roundcube
 roundcube | carddav_migrations   | table | roundcube
 roundcube | carddav_xsubtypes    | table | roundcube
 roundcube | collected_addresses  | table | roundcube
 roundcube | contactgroupmembers  | table | roundcube
 roundcube | contactgroups        | table | roundcube
 roundcube | contacts             | table | roundcube
 roundcube | dictionary           | table | roundcube
 roundcube | events               | table | roundcube
 roundcube | filestore            | table | roundcube
 roundcube | identities           | table | roundcube
 roundcube | itipinvitations      | table | roundcube
 roundcube | responses            | table | roundcube
 roundcube | searches             | table | roundcube
 roundcube | session              | table | roundcube
 roundcube | system               | table | roundcube
 roundcube | users                | table | roundcube
(28 rows)
Release Discussion / Re: ERROR: relation "system" ...
Last post by roughnecks - July 12, 2024, 03:35:52 PM
IIRC I had Mariadbd configured at first, then converted it to PostGRES, but I upgraded roundcube a few times since then and this is the first one I noticed the error.

Anyway, can you point me to what should I check/fix?

General Discussion / Re: Is it possible to delete r...
Last post by JohnDoh - July 11, 2024, 01:59:42 PM
User authentication is performed by your IMAP server not by Roundcube so you need to look at that to understand the best way to disable users.
General Discussion / Re: Is there a way to enable 2...
Last post by JohnDoh - July 11, 2024, 01:57:51 PM
As a mail client this is not really Roundcube's responsibility. There a plugins available e.g. twofactor_gauthenticator and others. The authentication is performed by you IMAP server so any login restrictions should be implemented there otherwise to by pass it the only thing an attacker needs to do is use a different client.
Release Discussion / Re: ERROR: relation "system" ...
Last post by JohnDoh - July 11, 2024, 01:54:21 PM
If the system table in your db had the correct entry for version 1.6.7 or really any recent version the upgrade script would not try and run 2013011000 which is from version (I think) version 1.0. I think the easiest way forwards is still to manual check the state of your database.
General Discussion / Saving Email Contacts
Last post by jmaynard - July 11, 2024, 12:05:39 PM
How can I save email contacts so the next time I email someone that I've emailed before it brings up the email address after typing in the first few letters?  Thank you!
Roundcube Discussion / Embedded email header image do...
Last post by Jane LSS - July 11, 2024, 08:05:25 AM
Hey there, I've been trying to add an header image to the top of my emails, but I'm struggling. Here's what I do:

1. Attach the file
2. Go to the body of the email and click to insert an image
3. Select that image via the box that pops up
4. Send the email

I've sent it to my personal account to test it out. I get a blank white box where the image should display and the image shows as an attachment at the bottom of the email.

Clearly, I'm missing a vital step - any ideas?