Roundcube Community Forum

News and Announcements => General Discussion => Topic started by: residentpio on March 09, 2024, 09:36:08 AM

Title: don't have filters
Post by: residentpio on March 09, 2024, 09:36:08 AM
I installed rouncube from packages on Debian. I don't have the filter option on the left side of the settings. How can I enable/install it?
Title: Re: don't have filters
Post by: JohnDoh on March 10, 2024, 11:19:45 AM
There is no filter option in Roundcube out of the box because filtering is primarily a server side function and so the interface the client needs depends on how your server is setup. For example the managesieve plugin shipped with Roundcube can be used if you are using sieve filtering and your server supports the managesieve protocol.