Roundcube Community Forum


Folder list

Started by Freddef, September 04, 2016, 08:27:34 AM

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My ISP decided to exchange our old Squirrel Webmail for Roundcube.  In principle it's OK, though I have some smaller issues. One of these it the folder list. Have quite a lot of folders, where I could chose both font and font size, so I got 60% of the folders (my most used) visible in the folder list without scrolling. In Roundcube no such options exist, with the result that only 30% of the folders is seen without scrolling, some important ones always needing scrolling. And they are not movable, since I have project oriented folder names, grouped in each project. And I do not want to have sub folders.

Font is ok for the letter side, but I'll like to have the option to scale down the folder list side to half the font size, to allow for more folders to be seen without scrolling.


While that is unlikely to get added you could try one of the browser plugins for modifying the sites style.