Roundcube Community Forum


CSS. Long text for the subject of the letter (R1.5.6) [SOLVED]

Started by allexnew, November 23, 2023, 07:00:46 AM

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Hi. After the penultimate chrome update, the problem started. If the email has a long subject and it does not fit into the "messages" column, the subject text is moved to the next line under the marker and moves to the left. It looks ugly. What can be corrected in CSS style to fix this problem? In the browser, for example, FireFox, everything is fine. I attach a screenshot.

Roundcube 1.5.6
Chrome 119.0.6045.159 (linux 64); (Windows chrome has the same problem.)


Roundcube Plugins: Contextmenu, SpamAssassin Prefs, and more...


Thank you very much!

Solution for version 1.5.6:

1. Open the /skins/larry/mail.css file in a text editor.
2. Find line 1460. Comment out the line. The block should look like this:

.widescreen .messagelist td.subject {
width: 99%;
/*white-space: wrap;*/
position: relative; /* for positioning in Firefox */

3. Save file.
4. Open the /skins/larry/mail.min.css file in a text editor.
5. Find the next code in the text:{width:99%;white-space:wrap;position:relative}
6. Delete the "white-space:wrap;" in this code;
7. The code should look like this: {width:99%;position:relative}
8. Save file.
9. Delete the files in the <roundcube>/temp folder, except for the file .htaccess
10. Restart apache.
11. Clear your browser cache on the client.
12. Use.

The fix will work for all skins except Classic.  ;)
To fix the "classic" skin, you need to do the same with the files classic/mail.css  and classic/mail.min.css  in the classic skin.