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Pending Issues / Re: Cloudflare 524 Error with Roudcube
« Last post by MagdAlmuntaser on May 14, 2024, 09:37:13 PM »
I`ve do this but isin`t work for me.

Are you sure you edited the file correctly? You can edit it using FileZilla to ensure proper editing. The file to be edited is:

Code: [Select]
Or you can download the file from the attachments and replace it.
Pending Issues / Re: Cloudflare 524 Error with Roudcube
« Last post by Disapper on May 14, 2024, 07:03:19 PM »
There is an issue between the Cloudflare DNS proxy....

This isn't a Roundcube issue.....

A similar comment was posted earlier in this thread.....

Ok guys..
Finally, I found where the problem lies. The issue is not with Roundcube, it's with the cPanel plugin, specifically CardDAV. You'll find it in this path:


The exact problem is in the file. An "if" condition should be added to the code to check if /var/cpanel/calendarserver exists on the server or not because it will use port 2080, which is not supported by Cloudflare.

Replace the following code in the file, and the webmail will work:
Code: [Select]
$prefs['_GLOBAL']['suppress_version_warning'] = false;
$prefs['_GLOBAL']['sync_collection_workaround'] = false;
if(file_exists('/var/cpanel/calendarserver')) {
$domain = getenv('HTTP_HOST');
if( empty($domain) ) $domain = getenv('DOMAIN');
// Figure out the expected formatting based on username
$userName = (string) $_SERVER['_RCUBE'];
$userFormat = (string) '%l@%d';
if( strpos($userName, '/') === false) {
$userFormat = '%l';

$prefs['cPCardDAV'] = array(
   'name'     => 'cPanel CardDAV',
   'username' => $userFormat,
   'password' => '%p',
   'url'      => 'https://' . $domain . ':2080/addressbooks/' . $userFormat . '/addressbook/',
   'active'   => true,
   'fixed'    => array( 'name', 'username', 'password' ),
   'hide'     => false,

I`ve do this but isin`t work for me.
General Discussion / Re: List Columns and Preview Pane questions
« Last post by whathappened on May 14, 2024, 04:48:25 PM »
I went to the trouble of registering to voice my complaint against the new theme. It is awful. The information I need is all crammed up in a little list. I can't tell which subject goes with which sender. Who on earth designed this new theme? I have to preview an email in order to delete it? How can we get back to something useable? I'm going to have to install Thunderbird and be done with Roundcube.
SVN Discussion / Re: Data for mailing list
« Last post by JohnDoh on May 14, 2024, 02:55:33 PM »
Assuming you are running 1.6.x then when you upload a CSV file (comma separated) you should see a mapping screen that lets you choose the fields. You can find an example of a CSV file here: there are other examples in that folder as well.
Requests / Re: add a delete button to message summary
« Last post by JohnDoh on May 14, 2024, 02:53:09 PM »
This is coming to the Elastic skin (the current default) in the next version (1.7). Example attached.
General Discussion / Re: List Columns and Preview Pane questions
« Last post by Angry-User on May 14, 2024, 10:36:52 AM »
Is there an answer to the questions about removing the preview pane, and if so, what is it?   Thanks-
Requests / add a delete button to message summary
« Last post by tschwartzman on May 14, 2024, 09:43:34 AM »
It's awkward to be mousing through the list of messages on the left and have to move all the way to the right top to hit the delete button or hit the keyboard delete.
There is already a "flag" button when you hover over a message in the list, please consider adding a delete button here.  Outlook has this and it makes it easy via mouse to move through and delete messages.

(edit: hotmail has it too).

outlook image, hotmail image and roundcube image all attached.

Issues & Bugs / Re: Stuck on Login successful. Redirecting
« Last post by krentzis on May 13, 2024, 11:59:45 PM »
Thank for the tip.

after reading the thread you send me I replaced

and it is working
API Based Plugins / Re: Calendar plugin recommendation
« Last post by hbsimon on May 13, 2024, 11:19:54 PM »

I am too interested to get a Calendar plugin with caldav working.

I have currently roundcube webmail with the carddav plugin connecting to the iCloud addressbook working, the addressbook is updating both way fine and all other mail function are working, including managesieve.

I tried to install with composer some of the calendar plugins but all failed. My installation is on MacOS with php 8.2 (installed using MacPorts). My questions are:
What are the minimum pre-requisites and in what sequence do I have to install them?
Are there any more detailed information available on the install and configuration process?
SVN Discussion / Data for mailing list
« Last post by obturatix on May 13, 2024, 03:28:52 PM »
Hello all the community,
Sorry for my english i am a frenchy
Here is my problem
When I create a mailing list, I am forced to put the first and last name one by one ( see the picture)
With a CSV file it's ok but I can't have the first and last name automatically in the red location on the image
What separation between the data should I put in this file to have the complete data virugle","-semicolon ";", I tried but without success
Thank you for helping me to find out which format should I use to have all my data at once.
or what type of file [txt-Csv-Excel].
An example of a file attachment would be very useful to me.
thank you all

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