Roundcube Community Forum

Third Party Contributions => API Based Plugins => Topic started by: capncrunch on November 13, 2012, 11:09:34 AM

Title: help needed writing spamstatus plugin
Post by: capncrunch on November 13, 2012, 11:09:34 AM

I'm trying to create a spamstatus plugin which should accomplish these tasks:

This is no take on another local filter plugin, filtering is up to Sieve. What I want to achieve is RC displays an icon on messages that have been marked by SpamAssassin or any other filter.

Alpha code is available at ( I'm running into a couple of issues here:

This is supposed to be used on a virtual RC farm running on Debian stable so code needs to be compatible with RC 0.3.1 and I can't modify RC itself.

I'd be very grateful if anybody could provide me with a hint to my problems above.

Title: Re: help needed writing spamstatus plugin
Post by: mckaygerhard on May 23, 2014, 01:40:07 PM
this may help:
        $skin  = $rcmail->config->get('skin');

        if(!file_exists('plugins/spamstatus/skins/' . $skin . '/images/ham.png')){
          $skin = "default";

and now works with u'r "default/image/*png" fiels..

i let a message in the github proyect