Roundcube Community Forum


national domain, punycode

Started by PavelDanilov, July 16, 2013, 03:04:29 AM

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Is it something wrong with my config or RCube 0.9.2 not supports punycode (nor cyrillic) in MailTo?

Long time i was used RCube 0.8.2, and all was Ok with sending mail to cyrillic or punycode email. Then i update it from 0.8.2 to 0.8.6 and a bit later to 0.9.2. After this, when i try to send email, i got error "Invalid e-mail address".
Any hint?
I just have installed RCube 0.8.4 on the same server and all work, but 0.9.2 cant send mail. (Installer on both version cant send too  ???)

the problem is solved