Roundcube Community Forum

Third Party Contributions => API Based Plugins => Topic started by: atenhotep on May 15, 2014, 02:33:18 AM

Title: Kolab Calendar/Tasklist Fail
Post by: atenhotep on May 15, 2014, 02:33:18 AM
I just decided to install my own mailserver and was happy to see that Roundcube was finally at 1.0+.
Thank you Roundcube team.  I was even more happy to find that a Calendar and Tasklist already
existed as plugins.  I am using the files in the roundcubemail-plugins-kolab-3.1.12.tar.gz  distribution
from Kolab.  I can enter events and tasks, but they don't show up in my UI.  For reasons I don't understand
an empty search ends up with a query value of '/roundcube/'.  Since that is not a string I am using in
my tasks/events they don't show up in the UI.  I've done some poking around in the code, and I can't
figure out where the '/roundcube/' is coming from for the search query.  If I create an empty search
query deliberately, the magic '/roundcube/' appears in the params on the client, even though there
is no 'q' paramter shown in the browser.  It's all a mystery to me.  Does anyone have any ideas.

I am running Debian Wheezy with RC 1.0.1 Complete, using PHP 5.4.4 with NGINX and MariaDB.

From logging I added to try and understand what the bleep was going on:

[15-May-2014 05:59:43 UTC] [top] rcube_utils::get_input_value: $fname ="q"

[15-May-2014 05:59:43 UTC] [top] rcube_utils::get_input_value: $_GET[] ="{"q":"\/roundcube\/","_task":"tasks","_last":"1400133523","_action":"refresh","filter":"0","lists":"2","_remote":"1","_unlock":"loading1400133583258","_":"1400132562316"}"

[15-May-2014 05:59:43 UTC] [top] rcube_utils::get_input_value: $_POST[] ="[]"

[15-May-2014 05:59:43 UTC] [GPC] rcube_utils::get_input_value: $_GET[$fname] ="/roundcube/"

[15-May-2014 05:59:43 UTC] [bottom] rcube_utils::get_input_value: $value ="/roundcube/"
Title: Re: Kolab Calendar/Tasklist Fail
Post by: mckaygerhard on May 26, 2014, 12:09:16 PM
the plugins has many errors still, u must use the pachets proposed by me at kolab trac issues and the fixeds in my gitlab repo

but, do u install already also the libcalendaring alon with calendar and tastlist plguins.. calendar need the libcalendar plugin also, and the jqueryui plugin to work property

the only fixed version are in my gitlab repo, two errors in the js libcalendar and the callendar.. this patches also already are in the issues reported at kolab system