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Release Discussion / CSRF protection after connexion to another service thru NGINX
« Last post by Tos26 on April 15, 2024, 09:10:53 AM »

I'm looking for help on a strange behavior.

I use nginx as front-end server for several services, and directly as php server for Roundcube.
I set the HTTP basic authentication in nginx to protect all external access.

No problem for that until I install Home assistant on my server.

But now, when I'm logged on my server and connected to Home assistant, I got a CSRF protection error when I try to acces to Roundcube.

I described this issue here:

I have no idea of what can I do, can someone help me ?
API Based Plugins / Re: Calendar plugin recommendation
« Last post by Moeppi on April 14, 2024, 05:56:08 AM »
Hi Andreas (andreashaerter),

Im also very interested in your workthrough on how to get Roundcube working with the calendar plugin from kolab and CalDAV integration.

In my case I have tried the calendar plugin of Roundcube+, but thats not the same. With their calendar plugin they turn Roundcube itself into a CalDAV server (where external calendar clients can connect to (read/write)). But I only want to connect Roundcube to an external CalDAV calendar, at the side of my mail provider.

So, Im also waiting and will be happy about your recommendations or better a little HowTo, on how to get things working :D .

Thanks in advance, Moeppi
Roundcube Discussion / 163 & 126 Mail Error,is support IMAP4 ID extension ?
« Last post by CaiLong on April 12, 2024, 10:31:58 PM »
OS:Gentoo Linux
Version:roundcube 1.6.6 compiled with change-password enigma exif fileinfo ldap postgres ssl vhosts zip

when i click "Receiving Mail" it reminds me " Server Error:SELECT Unsafe Login. Please contact for help"
i found help doc in,it mentions that should take IMAP ID information when connecting to the server.
how can i do it?
Thank you
Pending Issues / Re: password plugin with postfixadmin and dovecot
« Last post by alec on April 12, 2024, 05:12:04 AM »
Pending Issues / Re: password plugin with postfixadmin and dovecot
« Last post by mwlucas on April 11, 2024, 07:50:40 PM »
Okay, I'm pondering this more deeply.

Like most Unixes, my www user has a shell of "/sbin/nologin". How do folks have their web server run a command when it has no shell?

Surely the doveadm hashing algorithm is not unique. Is there a way to compute that same hash in pure PHP?
Pending Issues / Re: password plugin with postfixadmin and dovecot
« Last post by mwlucas on April 11, 2024, 07:12:48 PM »
Yep, you nailed it. Sorry, it's been a long day.

# su www -c "usr/local/bin/doveadm -s blf-crypt"     
This account is currently not available.

Now to figure out how to allow this account to run one specific command on FreeBSD.

Thank you for the clue.
Pending Issues / Re: password plugin with postfixadmin and dovecot
« Last post by SKaero on April 11, 2024, 06:51:34 PM »
When you run the command manually what is the output?

Have you verified that the user the Roundcube process is running as can run the command?
Pending Issues / password plugin with postfixadmin and dovecot
« Last post by mwlucas on April 11, 2024, 04:56:14 PM »

I'm running Roundcube 1.6.5 on FreeBSD 14.0, with Postfix 3.8, dovecot 2.3.1, apache 2.4, and postfixadmin 3.4. Everything works great, except the password module. Attempting to change the password generates these log messages:

Apr 11 19:57:09 <17.3> mx roundcube[52066]: <fjti45o5> PHP Error: Password plugin: Failed to execute command: /usr/local/bin/doveadm pw -s 'blf-crypt'. Error:  in /usr/local/www/roundcube/plugins/password/password.php on line 747 (POST /www/?_task=settings&_action=plugin.password-save)
Apr 11 19:57:09 <17.3> mx roundcube[52066]: <fjti45o5> PHP Error: Password plugin: Failed to execute command: /usr/local/bin/doveadm pw -s 'blf-crypt'. Error:  in /usr/local/www/roundcube/plugins/password/password.php on line 747 (POST /www/?_task=settings&_action=plugin.password-save)

Fearing typos, I copied and pasted the command to the command line. It works there.

Is there any way to get more information out of roundcube about WHY the command didn't run?

Here's the changes I made to the password module I'm not at all confident in the password_query setting, but I haven't gotten that far. DB username, pw, etc changed.

$ diff
< $config['password_minimum_score'] = 0;
> $config['password_minimum_score'] = 1;
< $config['password_algorithm'] = 'clear';
> $config['password_algorithm'] = 'dovecot';
< // $config['password_dovecotpw'] = '/usr/local/sbin/doveadm pw'; // for dovecot-2.x
< $config['password_dovecotpw'] = '/usr/local/sbin/dovecotpw'; // for dovecot-1.x
> $config['password_dovecotpw'] = '/usr/local/bin/doveadm pw'; // for dovecot-2.x
> //$config['password_dovecotpw'] = '/usr/local/sbin/dovecotpw'; // for dovecot-1.x
< $config['password_dovecotpw_method'] = 'CRAM-MD5';
> $config['password_dovecotpw_method'] = 'blf-crypt';
< $config['password_db_dsn'] = '';
> $config['password_db_dsn'] = 'mysql://user:pw@localhost/dbname';
< $config['password_query'] = 'SELECT update_passwd(%P, %u)';
> //$config['password_query'] = 'SELECT update_passwd(%P, %u)';
> //for postfixadmin
> $config['password_query'] = 'update virtualusers.mailbox set password=%P, modified=NOW() where username = %u';

Any suggestions appreciated!
General Discussion / Filters Multiple Entries
« Last post by JVin on April 10, 2024, 09:53:36 AM »
I'm trying to setup / create filters (rules) in 1.6.5 Roundcube and was wondering if there is a way to specify multiple entries in the same box for foreign extensions, junk emails, spam words, etc.
In other words, let's say one of my filters is called "Foreign Extensions" and I want to  block different email extensions such as .ru, .cn. .pl, etc...   Do I  need to create a separate rule for each extension or can I list all of them in the same box by separating them with either comma or something else?  Anyone done that?  Please help.  In Gmail I separate with "OR" but not familiar how Roundcube works.  Any help will be appreciated.
If I'm reading the script correctly the "mailsend" program is sending the email via SMTP since your are provided it with SMTP credentials. That means that Roundcube isn't in the path of the email that is being sent out, you're just viewing a record of the email that was sent using Roundcube.

If I had to guess there was either an update to the "mailsend" program or the mail server on the cPanel server that has caused the change in the behavior. Only your hosting provider could answer if the server was upgraded.

Personally I'd recommend changing how this flow works to call a api on the server that then sends the email that way you wouldn't have SMTP credentials on each of the end computers since that seems like a security risk.
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