Author Topic: MSSQL and RoundCube trunk giving DB error on user creation  (Read 3137 times)

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MSSQL and RoundCube trunk giving DB error on user creation
« on: November 12, 2007, 07:57:31 PM »
I am using Roundcube trunk as of a few days ago.

When you install and log in as a new user, you get the following error:

DB Error in (521): DB Error: null value violates not-null constraint Query:

INSERT INTO users (created, last_login, username, mail_host, alias, language)
VALUES (getdate(), getdate(), 'myname@mydomain', '', '', 'en_US')

[nativecode=515 - The statement has been terminated.]

The handling was to allow NULLS in the preferences column of the users database, but I think this is a hack.

Any advice?

Is there a "not set the preferences yet" default that we could change to include in the INSERT statement so that this error does not come up? Or should we just make the users table allow a null preference?

Note, in my case, allowing a NULL preference then allowed me to create the user and then as soon as logged in the preference field got set by roundcube anyway to a non null "default" value...

