Author Topic: Sometimes sending just hangs ... sometimes works ... very weird  (Read 3274 times)

Offline evsource

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Sometimes sending just hangs ... sometimes works ... very weird
« on: February 14, 2007, 05:50:25 PM »
I opened the index.php page and got this version: 0.1-20060914

Here's the scoop: sometimes when I hit the send message icon, it says that it's sending, goes green, and returns to the message list successfully having sent the message.

But about half the time when I go to send it, the "sending message" message appears for several seconds, then disappears and just stays on the compose message page. Repeated clicks of the send button yield the same result.

I usually copy the text of my e-mail, log out, log back in, compose a new message, paste the text of the original e-mail in, and hit send. About 95% of the time, it will send then.

It's starting to drive me nuts. I've seen the posts such as this one:

I don't have a clue what CPanel is, so I'm assuming I'm not using that. Roundcube is just an option to install from the configuration utility with WestHost (highly recommended). I do have SSH access to all of the files.

I'd love to find a fix for this. Thanks in advance.

Offline miseryshining

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Re: Sometimes sending just hangs ... sometimes works ... very weird
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2007, 08:51:50 AM »
Huge bump to this issue. Tried the latest nightly (20 september) as well as the RC and beta's, and it happens with all of them. I'm using SMTP to send mails, and they are send even if Roundcube doesn't give a confirmation. But they are never listed in the send message folder.

[edit]: messages in error log:
PHP Warning: fgets() [function.fgets]: SSL: fatal protocol error in /var/www/roundcube_test/program/lib/ on line 133, referer:

PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 120 seconds exceeded in /var/www/roundcube_test/program/lib/ on line 133, referer:

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