Author Topic: Is it possible to overwrite contact's name by recieving an e-mail  (Read 3100 times)

Offline rcdamir

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Hello all!
I'm using fresh RC-1.0.3 on Linux Mageia 4 x86_64.

When I receive an e-mail from some person, that isn't yet in my address-book, in the "From"-field I see contact's name, that is in his profile (eg. Mr. A-Man). Then i put this person in my personal address-book like this:
Name: Mr. B-Man (I have changed it to another name)
Mail: (I have NOT changed it)
After saving this person in my address-book I expect his "new" name (Mr. B-Man) in the "From" field, when I receive new mails from him, BUT, there is still his profile's name.

Is it possible to configure RC, that "From"-fields of new e-mail will be overwritten by names from my Personal address-book.
