Author Topic: long load mail  (Read 2278 times)

Offline WoopMen

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long load mail
« on: October 05, 2017, 08:08:21 AM »
I have a question about the work roundcube when switching tabs in the interface of the mail occurs every time download messages that slows down the work with the mail.
I have:
apache 2.4
php 5.4
mysql 5.5
hmail 5.6.6

in the logs of hmail it is written that when switching is the logout
"DEBUG"   4472   "2017-10-05 15:06:55.411"   "Creating session 387"
"DEBUG"   4472   "2017-10-05 15:06:55.411"   "TCP connection started for session 386"
"IMAPD"   4472   386   "2017-10-05 15:06:55.411"   ""   "SENT: * OK IMAPrev1"
"IMAPD"   4472   386   "2017-10-05 15:06:55.411"   ""   "RECEIVED: A0001 CAPABILITY"
"IMAPD"   4472   386   "2017-10-05 15:06:55.411"   ""   "SENT: * CAPABILITY IMAP4 IMAP4rev1 CHILDREN IDLE QUOTA SORT ACL NAMESPACE RIGHTS=texk[nl]A0001 OK CAPABILITY completed"
"IMAPD"   4472   386   "2017-10-05 15:06:55.411"   ""   "RECEIVED: A0002 LOGIN ***"
"IMAPD"   4472   386   "2017-10-05 15:06:55.411"   ""   "SENT: A0002 OK LOGIN completed"
"IMAPD"   2912   386   "2017-10-05 15:06:55.427"   ""   "RECEIVED: A0003 STATUS Drafts (MESSAGES UNSEEN)"
"IMAPD"   2912   386   "2017-10-05 15:06:55.427"   ""   "SENT: * STATUS "Drafts" (MESSAGES 0 UNSEEN 0)[nl]A0003 OK Status completed"
"IMAPD"   4472   386   "2017-10-05 15:06:55.427"   ""   "RECEIVED: A0004 GETQUOTAROOT Drafts"
"IMAPD"   4472   386   "2017-10-05 15:06:55.427"   ""   "SENT: * QUOTAROOT Drafts ""[nl]* QUOTA "" ()[nl]A0004 OK GETQUOTAROOT completed"
"IMAPD"   4472   386   "2017-10-05 15:06:55.427"   ""   "RECEIVED: A0005 LOGOUT"
"IMAPD"   4472   386   "2017-10-05 15:06:55.427"   ""   "SENT: * BYE Have a nice day[nl]A0005 OK Logout completed"
"DEBUG"   3084   "2017-10-05 15:06:55.427"   "Ending session 386"
