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Deutsch / Fragen zur Implementation in CRM
« Last post by kwmanagement on March 21, 2024, 07:51:45 AM »
Hallo Allerseits,

ich bin neu hier (und in Bezug auf Roundcube) und habe mal ein paar Fragen an die Spezialisten unter euch.

Ich entwickel eine SaaS Anwendung für Tierscxhutzvereine, mit der diese ihre Tiere und Kontakte verwalten können. Nun möchte ich gerne die Mailfunktionalität erweitern und überlege dazu Roundcube zu implementieren.

Meine Fragen dazu wären:

  • Gibt es eine Möglichkeit des SSO?
  • Können mit einer Installation von Roundcube mehrere Benutzer auf ihre Mails zugreifen? Jeder Benutzer hat eigene Mailprovider, oftmals oder
  • Kann man zusätzlich ein allgemeines "Team-Konto" einrichten? (Z.B: für eine info@ Adresse, die von allen gelesen werden darf)
  • Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, bei den Kontakten nur Mails VON und AN diesen Kontakt anzeigen zu lassen?
  • Kann ich Roundcube in bestehende Seite einbinden? Z.B. per iframe?
  • Weitere Fragen, die mir im Moment nicht einfallen  8)
Sollte dies möglich sein, gibt es hier Programmierer, die, natürlich gegen Bezahlung, dies umsetzen können?

Ich freue mich über Infos von euch.

Danke und viele Grüße, Thomas
General Discussion / How to get back to previous version of Webmail
« Last post by Merluche on March 20, 2024, 03:21:39 AM »
I'm using Roundcube Webmail as my professional email. This morning I'm opening it and I do not see or understand anything. This is the same UI as riseup, and I do not find it friendly at all. Is it possible to get back to the previous version? My priority when I open it is to have an overview of the object of the mail. Now I only see the begining of it and the content it a window on the right that I cannot reduce or close.
It's really no handy for me.
Thanks for your help.
Sandrine Merle
Roundcube Discussion / managesieve debian 12 furnish
« Last post by sun2024 on March 19, 2024, 09:43:55 AM »
I have activated Managesieve plugin in roundcube, but I always get the error “cannot establish a connection to Managesieve server”.
What else do I have to set up?
debian12 is installed,
Thank you !!! :)
General Discussion / Re: Ubuntu: Intl:NOT OK error
« Last post by Fate97 on March 18, 2024, 11:23:00 PM »
Ubuntu appears to provide a number of packages based on version I guess you want `php8.1-intl`?

This is really an Ubuntu question not a Roundcube one so you might be better of asking in that community.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install php8.1-intl
General Discussion / Re: Ubuntu: Intl:NOT OK error
« Last post by JohnDoh on March 18, 2024, 01:39:54 PM »
Ubuntu appears to provide a number of packages based on version I guess you want `php8.1-intl`?

This is really an Ubuntu question not a Roundcube one so you might be better of asking in that community.
General Discussion / Ubuntu: Intl:NOT OK error
« Last post by Fate97 on March 17, 2024, 09:23:41 AM »
How can I enable or install Intl PHP extensions?
Pending Issues / Re: default port / Default server
« Last post by SKaero on March 16, 2024, 04:51:27 PM »
As @JohnDoh said above "smtp_server" and "smtp_port" are no longer config options you need to set it with "smtp_host" as noted here:
Pending Issues / Re: Where are stored Identities
« Last post by SKaero on March 16, 2024, 04:47:56 PM »
What error is in <RC root>/logs/error.log
Pending Issues / Re: default port / Default server
« Last post by steve3764 on March 16, 2024, 06:18:56 AM »
Now it seems to access the database
the installer show me that the IMAP.. is OK. It can access
smtp (on the same server ) not really

For smtp , Thunderbird ( which working )  is configured as :

Port 502
normal password

On roundcube
$config['smtp_port'] = 502;
$config['smtp_user'] = '%u';
$config['smtp_pass'] = '%p';
$config['smtp_server'] = '';   ( I also tried : $config['smtp_server'] = 'ssl://' )

but this is not working.. I don't know where to look for :-(

The log file says :

 [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 2379:tid 2438] (70007)The timeout specified has expired: [client 82.xx.xx.xx:56600] AH01075: Error dispatching request to : (polling)

That sounds really weird !!
Pending Issues / Where are stored Identities
« Last post by steve3764 on March 16, 2024, 05:41:53 AM »
 I can read emails... good !!
Sending seems to be a bit more a problem....

Now, Identities : I can see the list of email addresses.. but if i click on it, I have : " Server ERROR ! ( Error N° [600] )
I cannot edit even create a new email address ??!!!???
Any idea where this come from ?
Where should it look for the address details ??

Apparently it can access the database.. and fully granted..

Thanks and regards
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