Roundcube Community Forum


Unable to save modifications on calendar events in Roundcube

Started by calidancer, November 22, 2022, 07:01:14 PM

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Hi Guys,

My apologies if this was already resolved somewhere here in this forum. If so, can you please point me to the solution? If not, please continue to read.

My environment:
• Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
• Roundcube 1.6.0

As suggested in Roundcube webmail project web page ( I followed the instructions to install kolab/calendar from ( Obviously I installed its dependencies:
• php >= 5.4.0
• roundcube/plugin-installer > 0.1.3
• kolab/libcalendaring: >=3.4.0
• kolab/libkolab: >=3.4.0

In doing so I followed the instructions in the related README documentation and the "Calendar" plugin appears successfully in my Roundcube..

I'm able to create events by filling every single field and also attaching any file. I'm able to create calendars and I'm also able to receive messages a specific amount of minutes before the event happens.

However, the minute I try to make any type of modification to an existing event (it could be anything, even just renaming the even name from event1 to event2) I receive the following message:

Failed to save changes.

In the attached example (see attached sequence of screenshots), I have been trying, for instance, to modify just the name of the event scheduled on Thursday the 24th November 2022 at 11:00 AM from work1to work2:

This is what is printed inside the /var/log/roundcube/errors.log file the minute I click on SAVE:

[23-Nov-2022 00:25:26 Europe/Rome] PHP Warning:  Undefined array key "action" in /var/lib/roundcube/plugins/libcalendaring/libcalendaring.php on line 782
[23-Nov-2022 00:25:28 Europe/Rome] PHP Warning:  Undefined array key "success" in /var/lib/roundcube/plugins/calendar/calendar.php on line 1694
[23-Nov-2022 00:25:59 +0100]: <gime5187> DB Error: [1048] Column 'sensitivity' cannot be null (SQL Query: UPDATE `events` SET `changed` = now(), `start` = '2022-11-24 12:00:00', `end` = '2022-11-24 12:30:00', `all_day` = '0', `title` = 'work2', `description` = '', `location` = '', `categories` = '', `url` = '', `free_busy` = '1', `priority` = '0', `sensitivity` = NULL, `status` = '', `attendees` = '', `alarms` = '[{\"action\":\"DISPLAY\",\"related\":\"start\",\"trigger\":\"-PT15M\"}]', `notifyat` = '2022-11-24 11:45:00' WHERE `event_id` = '1005' AND `calendar_id` IN ('1','2')) in /var/lib/roundcube/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube_db.php on line 564 (POST /?_task=calendar&_action=event)

Thanks in advance.



Hi Calidancer.
Please check this ticket opened.

It is not the solution definitely, but needs check by developers.
