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General Discussion / Re: List Columns and Preview Pane questions
« Last post by dray on May 06, 2024, 08:50:58 PM »
I use the Larry interface for my business email and it changed today to elastic is there any way to change this back to Larry??
General Discussion / Re: PGP encryption
« Last post by Havouza15 on May 06, 2024, 09:53:20 AM »
Ok thanks!
In  this case the mailvelope browser plugin is ofc much more secure and is supported by Roundcube. Thanks for claryfying
General Discussion / Re: PGP encryption
« Last post by SKaero on May 06, 2024, 09:06:37 AM »
Its the enigma plugin that comes with Roundcube but does need to be setup
General Discussion / PGP encryption
« Last post by Havouza15 on May 06, 2024, 07:28:47 AM »

We are planning to setup our own email server using iredmail. When I look at the screenshots from roundcube I can see the line pgp keys in the menu. Is this something extra plugin or does it come with roundcube?
Pending Issues / Re: Cloudflare 524 Error with Roudcube
« Last post by peaceharbor on May 05, 2024, 10:43:29 PM »
Thanks for the insight. This comment made by this user on that thread was particularly interesting:
Pending Issues / Re: Cloudflare 524 Error with Roudcube
« Last post by SKaero on May 05, 2024, 01:43:18 AM »
This isn't a Roundcube issue. I have Roundcube installed behind a Cloudflare DNS proxy and it works fine. I believe this is a cPanel issue, there is a recent thread on there forum indicating that they are aware of a issue and are working to address it:
General Discussion / Roundcube User Guide is too old
« Last post by hobo64 on May 04, 2024, 02:09:00 PM »
Is it possible to keep the user guides / Help files updated - at least on the annual basis?

The v1.1 guide is too far from reality, thus almost useless and even misleading.
General Discussion / Display Picture
« Last post by reseng on May 04, 2024, 12:18:38 PM »
Is it possible to have a display picture just like we see on other mails when we receive the message?
Will really appreciate any descriptive or video answer from youtube.
Pending Issues / Cloudflare 524 Error with Roudcube
« Last post by peaceharbor on May 04, 2024, 11:51:03 AM »
There is an issue between the Cloudflare DNS proxy of the webmail record (either A or CNAME) and accessing the Roundcube Inbox directly. When trying to reach a client's mailbox via, the page will load with SSL as it should. Whenever you try to log in, the page will try to load until it eventually gives a Cloudflare 524 timeout.

If you just set up a new mailbox account and log in for the first time, you can access the mail account configuration page, but once you try to enter the Roundcube mailbox, you will encounter the same issue as above.

On the other hand, if accessing the same mail account through WHM, which is not proxied via Cloudflare, Roundcube loads without issue. I have spent several days working with the tech team at my data center (LiquidWeb), and they are also seeing the same problem. They have ruled out conflicts except those between Cloudflare and Roundcube playing nicely.

This issue has also reached the Cloudflare forums, but a resolution has yet to be brought to light.

Hopefully, someone at Roundcube can fix this issue, as the only option is to disable the proxy on the A or CNAME record. Here's a short video showing this in further detail that I also sent to my data center.

I opened a ticket on Roundcube's Github here:
Roundcube Discussion / Re: Can't change view
« Last post by smartpaul on May 04, 2024, 03:56:07 AM »
I wish!

As I only use Roundcube through control panel of my provider, there are no such options available...

Thanks anyway.
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