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Theme Releases / Re: Elastic2022
« Last post by Seb1k on May 21, 2024, 10:21:55 AM »
+ Added a delete icon in the messages list
+ Contact images corrected

Here is a look of the changes :

The contact pictures can have some difficulties to show up, it's due to the browser cache...
General Discussion / ERR_INVALID_URL when having image attached to signature
« Last post by hp2 on May 21, 2024, 05:02:31 AM »
Tried with PNG and JPG format. The error is not happening all the time, but when it's happening
- from the end-user interface, there is only one error: Connection error.
- there is no log in server at /var/www/html/roundcube/logs related to the time the issue happened.
- in Chrome Developer Tools - Console, it shows more:

GET ...........zl5ZZGkdjrLMcSckefSXWjXhKDqLRECMf6yD6EBR35M6CYjTDOmlHFoDDV0kzwzRnY6HA844jlnBva7MynrMTi8o8SX/ONzPhPUhZ7xKngw+JFzvrOWDLS%02%08%0A</body></html> net::ERR_INVALID_URL

Long data for the content, but if I copy /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABA...........zl5ZZGkdjrLMcSckefSXWjXhKDqLRECMf6yD6EBR35M6CYjTDOmlHFoDDV0kzwzRnY6HA844jlnBva7MynrMTi8o8SX/ONzPhPUhZ7xKngw+JFzvrOWDLS to the convert tool it can convert to correct image without any problem. So I guess base64 data is correct.

Any idea how to fix this error, please?
Thank you.
Pending Issues / PHP8.3 and Roundcube1.6.7. SMTP error
« Last post by google on May 20, 2024, 04:34:46 PM »
Hello! Please help.
There is a configuration:
  • PHP8.3
  • Apache2
  • MariaDB10
  • Postfix + Dovekot + Postfixadmin
Everything works fine in any email client, but in Roundcube it only accepts mail. I attach the config and error file.
Naturally, I hid the passwords and smtp_host for security purposes. SMTP works on port 465
News & Announcements / Security updates 1.6.7 and 1.5.7 released
« Last post by SKaero on May 20, 2024, 09:10:46 AM »
We just published security updates to the 1.6 and 1.5 LTS versions of Roundcube Webmail. They both contain fixes for recently reported security vulnerabilities.

Security fixes
  • Fix cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in handling SVG animate attributes. Credits for this finding to Valentin T. and Lutz Wolf of CrowdStrike.
  • Fix cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in handling list columns from user preferences. Credits for this finding to Huy Nguyễn Phạm Nhật.
  • Fix command injection via crafted im_convert_path/im_identify_path on Windows. Credits for this finding to Huy Nguyễn Phạm Nhật.
See the full changelogs in the release notes on the Github download pages for the updated versions 1.6.7 and 1.5.7.

We strongly recommend to update all productive installations of Roundcube 1.6.x and 1.5.x with this new versions.

Get it Now:
Theme Releases / Re: Elastic2022
« Last post by Seb1k on May 20, 2024, 08:32:46 AM »
After finaly adding the light mode, I did take a look at it.
Like that skin, but just one problem: at least for me, no contact images are displayed.
not in the overview and also not when opening a message.
Bug or did I something wrong?

I just create a patch for it, thank you for reporting this

@Seb1k Please consider adding your skin to packagist. The hope is that is makes it both easier for people to find and easier to install/update.

Also since version 1.5 it has been easier for third party skins to handle plugins because the skin folder is now checked when looking for skin information for a plugin.

Thanks for the skin-plugin info.
I'll try to create a "package" later

I updated my mailserver and roundcubemail recently and activated quota to see the disk usage in roundcube. But for this feature I had to disable imapproxy. With imapproxy I didnt get to see the disk usage element! imapproxy was a solution to cache the connections and avoid the pollution of connect/disconnect messages in the journal. I need to bring myself up to date. What is currently the best way to prevent the logging of connect/disconnect messages caused by roundcube?
Theme Releases / Re: Elastic2022
« Last post by JohnDoh on May 20, 2024, 03:32:11 AM »
@Seb1k Please consider adding your skin to packagist. The hope is that is makes it both easier for people to find and easier to install/update.

Also since version 1.5 it has been easier for third party skins to handle plugins because the skin folder is now checked when looking for skin information for a plugin.
Theme Releases / Re: Elastic2022
« Last post by druckmusik on May 20, 2024, 03:22:07 AM »
After finaly adding the light mode, I did take a look at it.
Like that skin, but just one problem: at least for me, no contact images are displayed.
not in the overview and also not when opening a message.
Bug or did I something wrong?
Roundcube Discussion / Re: Copying an email to folders
« Last post by nhdesign on May 19, 2024, 05:16:31 PM »
 Never mind, user error, failed to set the sorting column, not a good way to join a new forum,

Roundcube Discussion / Copying an email to folders
« Last post by nhdesign on May 19, 2024, 12:03:19 PM »


I have deleted emails and now they are in trash.
When I realize days later I want one back in the inbox, when I copy it from trash to the inbox, it does not keep the original received date, it takes the data time of when I copied it back.
How do I keep the original date?


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